Make Health A Priority On A Budget

Make Health A Priority On A Budget

As the years go by, I notice I should be making my health more of a priority. After following a good diet and workout regimen, it gets easier to walk up those stairs at work or take that leisurely walk. When my gym days fall to the side, I’m huffing and puffing trying to get through the day. Now that I see the benefits of consistently going to the gym, I’ve found ways to make it stick and fit into my budget.

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Falling And Getting Back On The Right Path

Falling And Getting Back On The Right Path

This was a very interesting week. It took me back to a few months ago when I was thinking really hard about where I am and where I want to be. Sometimes, I'll realize I’m executing on all the right things, but then I make some bad decisions. That’s when I have to pick myself up, dust off and keep going.

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